During the day barber, at sunset sneaker collector. For his great passion Orhan takes a lot on himself. Home visit to a superhero who doesn't really want to be one. And a portrait about love at first sight, everyday life between razors and collectors' items and the most important currency in business: respect.
Fashion over 30? Magazines or fashion experts like to headline what you should wear or no longer wear for your age. But is that my opinion: Nope!
Uncomplicated & stylish good mood wine insider tips from under 10 to a maximum of 40 Euros - combined with some of my favorite fashion pieces from the closet. In short: appealing fruit salad.
Eating is fun. So is cooking - especially if you have the right tools and utensils at hand. Like these kitchen accessories for gourmet beginners. Washed with all the knives, fully on the pan and with spices that you can taste. After all, the eye eats with you.