Why blaming masks when we wear unvisible ones every day

Corona time means mask time and many ask themselves: How much longer? We have already put on masks before - just not physically tangible ones. Without perhaps always noticing it. Including me. But: How easy is it to take it off again?
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50 Shades of Obstsalat

David Klenert has a range of fun makers in the basement. Fortunately, he interprets humid, cheerful entertainment more seriously and above all more tastefully than the kitschy novels. His passion: wine. They are as uncomplicated and entertaining as the winemaker himself. Read here, why you should get the good mood fruit salads in your house bar.
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Early Bird

Getting up at five in the morning on a weekend to work? Couldn't imagine that could be cool. It can. If you ever jump over your shadow.
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What is actually privileged?

Wealth, power, drinking for free at parties, walking past snakes or being paid for travel? I think: a real privilege are parents who support you in everything.
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Summer shirts: My favorite looks

Make short-sleeved shirt great again: This year I discovered the colorful summer shirt for me. The mix of Magnum and Two and a Half Men is bold and not always easy to combine, but it makes for a safe mood. I simply find it more suitable for me if I'm not adapted to it.
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